Posted Dec. 4, 2021
If you're like most people, myself included, it's hard to believe we're at the end of 2021.... f.i.n.a.l.l.y!!! This year has brought with it some of the fiercest challenges and hardships that many of us have ever faced, both individually and together as a society. This year has taught us all many things, including how precious the people in our lives are - from our friends and family, romantic partners, and even co-workers! (Has anyone else missed going into an office or workplace to get out of the house?!)
So as we continue to strive on, preparing for colder temperatures and cozier nights at home, it's easy over this holiday season for our minds to wander back to someone special. Whether that is a love interest, an old friend, or just someone who's crossed your mind lately. Maybe finding and reading this post is a 'sign from the universe' to use the steps below to reach out, reconnect, and maybe even rekindle that relationship no matter how long it's been!
If you've been thinking of someone and are looking to reconnect, craft a personalized text message using the 3 easy steps below.
Step One: The Introduction This step may or may not be needed depending on the length of time or circumstances, however an brief introduction never hurts... just in case the receiver has a new phone or if it's been so long they may have removed your number from their contacts list. A few examples of introductions are: * Hi [name]! Liz here. :) * Hey [name] - how are you? This is Liz. :) * Hi [name]. It's Liz from [how you know each other].
Step Two: The Reminder Step two of this message is letting the receiver know what it was that triggered a thought or memory of them. It can be nearly anything from a song, to a movie, to a local restaurant... you can really get creative here, but think of something special that formed a happy memory between the two of you. A few examples of reminders are: * I saw this meme and knew you'd appreciate it!! LOL * I happened to stop by [Cafe/Restaurant] the other day - they have a whole new menu! * I heard [song] that played when we were [activity]. This list could go on endlessly, so jot down a few ideas and see what flows best and triggers that internal nudge the most.
Step Three: The Ask Being vulnerable can be hard, especially if you're unsure how the other person feels or what they are thinking, but this step requires being open and vulnerable. You've made it this far though - don't stop now! Share with the receiver that they've been on your mind and ask them to reconnect. A few examples below... * Anyways you've been on my mind and I hope you're well. LMK if you want to catch up sometime. :) * I've been thinking of you... lmk if you're free for a drink or lunch sometime. :) * I miss us and would love to chat and catch up sometime. <3 Note here, that each ask uses the word 'sometime', which helps alleviate any pressure and also puts the proverbial ball in their court to respond if and when they feel comfortable to do so.
Create a few sample text messages using these steps, then walk away for awhile and come back to them to see if one sticks out more than the others. While we can never control others or their reactions, the mere act of sending a text message like this can in itself be satisfying, even if you don't hear back. You can feel good knowing that you've done your part to reach out... the rest is up to the hands of fate. Perhaps their number had changed or they're busy or they're just not looking to reconnect right now. You've reached out and created a bridge.
Remember when sending the text to practice your text-iquette (texting etiquette) and schedule the message to be sent at a time that's convenient for the receiver. If you need additional sample texts messages and ideas, The Text Book has plenty!
Subscribe to future blogs to get more free texting tips!
Until next time... stay safe and healthy my friends!! Wishing you all a joyous holiday season filled with love. <3
(Photo by Arina Krasnikova from Pexels)